parkrun NZ Attendance and Milestone Stats for May 15, 2021
In New Zealand there were 33 parkruns, with 3125 (-610) parkrunners and 384 (-2) volunteers, plus any pending results.
234 (-21) people got their parkrun barcode this week
130 (-33) ran their first parkrun this week
31 (-4) people volunteered for their first time
331 (-231) achieved personal bests this week
13 (-11) new age category records were set
4 (-4) runners recorded sub-17 finishes
The average run time in New Zealand remains 30:58.
There was one new course record this week: Hannah Oldroyd, 17:38 (University of Waikato).
The top age graded runner was Judith Stewart at Whangarei with a time of 26:15, 87.68% in the VW70-74 age group.
5 parkrunners joined the Junior 10 club
15 parkrunners joined the 50 club
8 parkrunners joined the 100 club – congratulations to Linda Swallow, Anna Willis, Neil Rogers, Arend Laser, Kristina Cariga, Liz Moore, Mark Anderson and Anita Earl.
1 parkrunner joined the 250 club – Congratulations to Patrick Donovan (Lower Hutt)
Six parkrunners achieved their V25 milestone – congratulations to Deborah Ridge (Foster), Anand Desai (Hobsonville Point), Bruce Hartley (Invercargill), Dan Joe, Gabby Cowcill, Rob Stead (Lower Hutt),
Biggest New Zealand parkruns: Dunedin (171), Cornwall Park (208), Hagley (317).
Smallest NZ parkruns: Wanaka (30), Flaxmere (30), Balclutha (28).
There were no new attendance records set this week.
Of the New Zealand parkruns that took place both last week and this week:
4 parkruns had higher attendance
27 parkruns had lower attendance than last week
Owairaka had the same with 67 parkrunners.
The biggest increase in attendance (by number of parkrunners) was Cambridge NZ and Blenheim both with a change of 7.
The biggest increase in attendance (by percentage change) was Blenheim with a change of 24%.
The biggest drop in attendance (by number of parkrunners) was Lower Hutt, with a change of -75.
The biggest drop in attendance (by percentage change) was Gisborne, with a change of -47%.
NZ Anniversaries this week:-
Hobsonville Point 2
NZ Cancellations this week:-

One reply on “parkrun NZ stats 15/05/2021”
Thanks Alison – lovely to see Patrick’s name (& link) in the stats ☺️