parkrun NZ Attendance and Milestone Stats for July 17, 2021
In New Zealand there were 33 parkruns, with 2430 3135 (-265) parkrunners and 369 (-28) volunteers, plus any pending results.
In brief
203 (0) people got their parkrun barcode this week
93 (-39) ran their first parkrun this week
177 (-175) achieved personal bests this week
34 (-2) volunteered for the first time
10 (-19) new age category records were set
6 (+1) runners recorded sub-17 finishes
The average run time in New Zealand remains 31:00.
There were no new course records this week.
The top age graded runner was Sally Gibbs at Tauranga with a time of 19:31, 95.30% in the VW55-59 age group.
6 parkrunners joined the 50 club
10 parkrunners joined the 100 club – Tim Mason, Gracie Willis, Cassidy Bishop, Andrew Marshall, David Vicars, Raquel Lozano , Elayne Temple-camp, Jeremy Rogers and Ian Birch.
0 parkrunners joined the 250 club
3 parkrunners achieved their V25 milestone – Rosie Olsen-Vetland, Daisy Walmsley and Anne Bennett.
Biggest New Zealand parkruns: Cornwall Park (145), Dunedin (154), Hagley (316).
Smallest NZ parkruns: Whanganui Riverbank (17), Kapiti Coast (14), Blenheim (8).
There were no new attendance records.
Of the New Zealand parkruns that took place both last week and this week:
10 parkruns had higher attendance
23 parkruns had lower attendance than last week
The biggest increase in attendance (by number of parkrunners) was Hagley, with a change of 57.
The biggest increase in attendance (by percentage change) was Queenstown with a change of 43%.
The biggest drop in attendance (by number of parkrunners) was Lower Hutt with a change of -112.
The biggest drop in attendance (by percentage change) was Kapiti Coast with a change of -82%.
NZ Anniversaries
Porirua (adverse weather, risk of flooding and fallen trees)
Personal Bests
The most PBs were at Millwater (15), Sherwood Reserve (15), Hagley (13), Cornwall (12) and Hobsonville Point (11).
The most PBs by percentage of field was Cambridge NZ (6 or 21%), Sherwood Reserve (15 or 21%), Wanaka (8 or 17%), Millwater (15 or 16%) and Owairaka (9 or 16%).
The fastest among us
The 18 fastest females in New Zealand by age category, in pace order, were:
- Hannah Oldroyd (SW30-34) running Pegasus in 18:01.
- Olivia Burne (SW25-29) running Taupo in 18:27 for the first time.
- Hannah Howell (SW18-19) running Taupo in 19:00 setting herself a new PB.
- Poppy Martin (JW15-17) running Queenstown in 19:12 for the first time.
- Bella Earl (JW15-17) running Whangarei in 19:12.
- Pip Meo (VW35-39) running Western Springs in 19:28.
- Sally Gibbs (VW55-59) running Tauranga in 19:31.
- Serena Kelly (VW40-44) running Pegasus in 19:56 for the first time.
- Lorna Pairman (SW20-24) running Hagley in 20:02.
- Boh Ritchie (JW11-14) running Hamilton Lake in 20:36.
- Vanessa Story (VW45-49) running Palmerston North in 21:57.
- Paula Ward (VW50-54) running Hamilton Lake in 22:02.
- Bela Cameron (JW10) running Hagley in 22:17 setting herself a new PB.
- Debbie Telfer (VW60-64) running Invercargill in 23:14.
- Raewyn Richmond (VW65-69) running Hamilton Lake in 28:52.
- Carey Dickason (VW70-74) running Blenheim in 29:44.
- Anna Reid (VW75-79) running Hagley in 33:16.
- Joan Cheadle (VW80-84) running Cornwall in 46:26.
The 19 fastest males in New Zealand by age category, in pace order, were:
- Mark Boyce (VM35-39) running Millwater in 15:46.
- Theo Walker (JM15-17) running Hagley in 16:22.
- Corban Straker (SM18-19) running Hagley in 16:24.
- Jonah Smith (SM25-29) running University of Waikato in 16:39 for the first time.
- Nathan Jones (VM40-44) running Pegasus in 17:20.
- Al Brears (VM45-49) running University of Waikato in 17:41.
- Aaron Anderson (SM20-24) running Hagley in 17:45.
- Cameron Paul (SM30-34) running Taupo in 17:52.
- Quincy Cutts (JM11-14) running Millwater in 17:58 setting himself a new PB.
- Hugh Allison (VM50-54) running Hagley in 18:32.
- Peter Richards (VM60-64) running Foster in 18:36.
- Malcolm Cornelius (VM55-59) running Foster in 18:41.
- Brent Cameron (JM10) running Hagley in 19:49.
- Gavin Stevens (VM65-69) running Cornwall in 20:39.
- Carl Brown (VM70-74) running Wanaka in 24:52.
- Rod Gill (VM75-79) running University of Waikato in 28:50 setting himself a new PB.
- Graham Wood (VM80-84) running Pegasus in 33:08.
- Ray Turner (VM85-89) running Cornwall in 40:11.
- Colin Thorne (VM95-99) running Whangarei in 01:05:24.
New age category records
There were 10 age category records broken this week:
- Foster : (VM55-59) Malcolm Cornelius took his own record by 11 seconds running 18:41.
- Hobsonville Point : (JM15-17) George Douglas Mawson broke his own record by 24 seconds running 16:54.
- Queenstown : (JW15-17) Poppy Martin took Samantha Fookes ‘s record by 19 seconds running 19:12.
- Sherwood Reserve : (JM11-14) Isaac Kirkpatrick smashed Harry Borton ‘s record by 261 seconds running 18:41.
- Sherwood Reserve : (SW30-34) Nicolene Robinson smashed Elke Byrne ‘s record by 81 seconds running 23:26.
- Sherwood Reserve : (VM70-74) Alan Lichtwark smashed Martin Harrap ‘s record by 147 seconds running 24:58.
- Sherwood Reserve : (VW65-69) Shirley Dos Santos smashed Julia Gordon ‘s record by 327 seconds, setting herself a new PB, running 32:11.
- Taupo : (SW18-19) Hannah Howell took Grace Ritchie ‘s record by 7 seconds, setting herself a new PB, running 19:00.
- University of Waikato : (SM25-29) Jonah Smith smashed Braedon Catchpole ‘s record by 168 seconds running 16:39.
- University of Waikato : (VM75-79) Rod Gill smashed Kerin Buttimore ‘s record by 63 seconds, setting himself a new PB, running 28:50.
Kudos to the vollies
A shout out to our top 100 statespeople who chose to volunteer this weekend: Paul , Nneka , Joce , Andrew and Allan at Flaxmere , Martin , Liz and Paul at Lower Hutt , Andrew and Scott at Sherwood Reserve , Dean at University of Waikato , Sarah at Trentham Memorial , Alison at Taupo , Grant at Barry Curtis , Dan at Palmerston North , Yvonne at Western Springs , Robyn at Blenheim , Wendy and Cameron at Anderson , Judy at Whanganui Riverbank , and Suzy at Foster
Top 100 countrymen is based on the most events table, which shows parkrunners who have run at 15 or most New Zealand events. There’s no other volunteer data available other than what is in these stats.
Thanks to Paul Ellis for extra stats. You can view the top 100 countrymen table here. Each week is on a different sheet.