It wouldn’t be a parkrun without the volunteers. In this series of blogs we’ll be learning more about the key volunteer roles and the people who fill them.
In this blog we learn about the role of Run Report Writer from Lower Hutt parkrunner Dan Joe.
Many parkrun events add Run Report Writer to the volunteer roster and while it can seem a bit overwhelming, it’s not as challenging as you may think.
Lower Hutt parkrunner Dan Joe (A4225353) has written the run report for Lower Hutt a number of times. He has also volunteered to write run reports when he has been visiting other parkruns, with eight different events covered so far.
“I wrote my first report for parkrun when I reached my 50th milestone and decided to write a report as my friend suggested that I should give this role a try. You can do this role and still be able to run/walk.
“It was my first time volunteering and I haven’t looked back since.
“I had a look at a few run reports from other parkrun pages as well and said to myself that this is a good way to practice and improve on both your proofreading and communication skills.
“The one thing about doing run reports is that you can choose to write about almost anything that relates to your day.
“Some run reports can talk about how you feel about parkrun, the report can be short or long, but some emphasis on writing reports will definitely get other people to read and interested in putting your hand up for the role.”

Dan plans to write a report for his 150th parkrun (some-time this year barring no disruptions) and maybe at new events he has not yet run at.
“Writing a run report is sometimes a time consuming task and you will value your own experiences on how you felt and achievements accomplished by other participants at the event.
“Writing some history for a particular parkrun is a great way to introduce new ideas to attend a parkrun. You can template your own run report or have it prepared to write it before the actual event starts.”
Do your best
He says having good grammar and spelling is crucial, as well as proof-reading your report before you submit it.
“This is something I don’t always get right and it is okay to make mistakes as no one is perfect. You don’t have to get it written as soon as the event is over; most run directors would like it to be done within four days of the event.
“Feel free to ask the run director of the day if you are unsure on how to do this.
“The run director most times will tell you to write about yourself and pretty much almost anything that relates to the event.
“Writing the run report usually consists of new parkrunners attending the course for the first time, recording new PBs, milestones and also the volunteers that help out.
“It can literally be anything that you can write about. Some run reports don’t have any of the above listed in the run report writer’s parkrun report.
Save it
“I recommend doing the run report if you like to run and find out ways to get a run and a volunteer token. Being a run reporter is a great way to slowly increase your volunteer participation.
“Once the run report is completed, you will email the run report to the respective parkrun you wrote for.
“It is good to have a saved version of the report as I do with all my reports, just in case the attachment fails on the person’s device when they download it.
“You will get recognised for doing run reports as I have had some people approach me about writing on a great grasps of topics.
“It is a privilege to be recognised by others and it will definitely make you feel encouraged to attend parkrun more regularly.
“It is also a great way to get your volunteer shirt quicker, which is achieved once the participant has done at least 25 different days, regardless of the amount of roles volunteered on any given day.
“This is one of the main reasons why I want to get my purple v25 shirt, but to do it at a great pace to achieve it.”
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[…] are many other things that made this a great day. Dan Joe brought the book tour copy from Kapiti Coast; meeting Fudge and his human James; hanging out with […]