parkrun NZ Attendance and Milestone Stats for April 24, 2021
In New Zealand there were 33 parkruns, with 4257 (+649) parkrunners and 368 (+6) volunteers, plus any pending results.
280 (+44) people got their parkrun barcode this week
238 (+91) ran their first parkrun this week
29 (-8) people volunteered for their first time
508 (+79) achieved personal bests this week
13 (+4) new age category records were set
8 (+5) runners recorded sub-17 finishes
The average run time in New Zealand has increased to 30:58 (from 30:57 last week).
There were three new course records this week: Charli Miller, 18:41 (University of Waikato, this is the fourth week in a row Charli has broken the course record at this parkrun), Michael Voss, 15:25 (Puarenga) and Hannah Oldroyd, 17:41 (Foster).
The top age graded runner was Margi Peat at Palmerston North with a time of 21:39, 93.61% in the VW60-64 age group.
13 parkrunners joined the Junior 10 club
25 parkrunners joined the 50 club
10 parkrunners joined the 100 club – congratulations to Michelle Parker, Sonja Fantom, Charlotte Wallace, Heidi Bergh, Lindsay Kelly, Michael Pearce, Rachel Shaw, Wiremu Nicole, Natalie Butler and Kelly Lavelly.
2 parkrunners joined the 250 club – congratulations to Karien Potgieter (Kapiti Coast) and Glynis Ng (Lower Hutt).
Five parkrunners achieved their V25 milestone – congratulations to Peter Edmead (Anderson), Monique Wiles (Cambridge NZ), Cathy Weatherston (Dunedin), Lew Campbell (Porirua), Austin Hutcheon (Taupo),
Biggest New Zealand parkruns: Dunedin (243), Cornwall Park (245), Hagley (337).
Smallest NZ parkruns: Blenheim (53), University of Waikato (53), Balclutha (50).
There were no new attendance records set this week.
Of the New Zealand parkruns that took place both last week and this week:
26 parkruns had higher attendance
7 parkruns had lower attendance than last week
The biggest increase in attendance (by number of parkrunners) was Hamilton Lake with a change of 99.
The biggest increase in attendance (by percentage change) was Foster with a change of 125%.
The biggest drop in attendance (by number of parkrunners) was Invercargill, with a change of -19.
The biggest drop in attendance (by percentage change) was Invercargill, with a change of -14%.
NZ Anniversaries this week:-
Tauranga (3)
NZ Cancellations this week:-