This list is not an official list.
It is compiled from feedback direct from event teams and is not official until the Christmas Compendium is live.
No responsibility will be taken for an event not listed nor cancelled.
This will be updated regularly but any event not declared by mid December (date to be announced by parkrun) will be assumed as not hosting a special event. Please check event pages for late cancellations.
Christmas Day
- Anderson
- Balclutha
- Flaxmere
- Foster
- Invercargill
- Ōtaki River
- Owairaka
- Puarenga
- Queenstown
- Russell Park
- Whangarei
New Year’s Day
- Anderson
- Balclutha
- Cambridge NZ
- Flaxmere
- Foster
- Invercargill
- Millwater
- Ōtaki River (first birthday)
- Whanganui Riverbank
- Whangarei
Definitely not taking place on either day
- University of Waikato
If you are planning on attending a special event and can offer a volunteer please let the event teams know as soon as possible.