Chrissy is one of the few parkrunners to have completed every course in New Zealand. She was tail walker at the inaugural Whanganui Riverbank parkrun.
Barcode: A408932
Home parkrun: Lower Hutt
What was your first away parkrun?
Porirua – New Year’s Day parkrun, it was close to home, and there was nothing happening at Lower Hutt.

What led you to parkrun tourism?
Ten days after my Porirua run I flew to Queenstown on the Friday morning for a short holiday with my brother.
That afternoon we drove to Dunedin for their inaugural parkrun, and that’s really when I consider my parkrun tourism started with a New Year’s Day resolution to tick off all the events. By mid-March I had achieved all 6 of them [editor’s note, these were Lower Hutt, Cornwall Park, Barry Curtis, Porirua and Hamilton Lake].

What’s the earliest you’ve got up to travel to an event and where was it?
3am for a 3.30am departure to drive to Hawkes Bay, for Flaxmere as well as Anderson parkruns.
What has been your furthest trip for a parkrun?
My greatest distance has been to Cairns but it was part of a holiday.
The longest distance to ONLY do parkrun, was flying to Melbourne on a Friday afternoon and driving two hours to Ocean Grove parkrun to get my alphabet “O”, then flying out of Melbourne at 1pm. Crazy 🙂
Can you tell us about a memorable parkrun experience in New Zealand?
Millwater inaugural in a storm. Thunder and lightning and stinging rain.
Or totally soaked to my skin at Barry Curtis during Cyclone Lusi then driving home to Wellington to stay ahead of the weather. Hard to choose between these two.

Where in New Zealand would you like a parkrun and why?
Another Hutt Valley or Wellington run would ease the pressure on Lower Hutt and give me a chance to tick off some Wilson Index numbers as well.
West Coast though would be amazing as I’ve never been there.

One reply on “Christine O’Sullivan Robertson”
Some awesome memories & photos Chrissy. Well done on your achievements