parkrun NZ Attendance and Milestone Stats for August 7, 2021
In New Zealand there were 34 parkruns, with 3148 (-120) parkrunners and 408 (+13) volunteers, plus any pending results.
In brief
209 (+9) people got their parkrun barcode this week
118 (-25) ran their first parkrun this week
318 (-30) achieved personal bests this week
34 (0) volunteered for the first time
14 (0) new age category records were set
6 (+1) runners recorded sub-17 finishes
The average run time in New Zealand remains 31:00.
There were no new course records this week.
The top age graded runner was Colin Thorne at Whangarei with a time of 55:39, 86.79% in the VM95-99 age group.
14 parkrunners joined the 50 club
9 parkrunners joined the 100 club – Bev Taylor, Murray Van Dorp, Mark Van Wijk, Lisa Moore, Suzanne Riddle, Jun Zhang, Jackie East, Marlin Fisher and Helen Brereton.
1 parkrunner joined the 250 club – Congratulations to Henny Swinkels (Hamilton Lake)
8 parkrunners achieved their V25 milestone – Marlin Fisher, Baden Todd, Mary Marshall, Jon Turner, Dean Wills, Nick Drinnan, Varya Brandon and Helen Brereton.
Biggest New Zealand parkruns: Lower Hutt (172), Cornwall Park (209), Hagley (269).
Smallest NZ parkruns: Wanaka (27), Balclutha (23), Whanganui Riverbank (21).
There were no new attendance records.
Of the New Zealand parkruns that took place both last week and this week:
12 parkruns had higher attendance
20 parkruns had lower attendance than last week
Balclutha parkrun recorded the same attendance with 23.
The biggest increase in attendance (by number of parkrunners) was Hamilton Lake, with a change of 30.
The biggest increase in attendance (by percentage change) was Greytown Woodside Trail with a change of 42%.
The biggest drop in attendance (by number of parkrunners) was Barry Curtis with a change of -44.
The biggest drop in attendance (by percentage change) was Invercargill with a change of -45%.
NZ Anniversaries
Personal Bests
The most PBs were at Tauranga (24), Kapiti Coast (21), Owairaka (21), Sherwood Reserve (21) and Western Springs (16).
The most PBs by percentage of field was Kapiti Coast (21 or 30%), Owairaka (21 or 26%), Invercargill (13 or 25%), Sherwood Reserve (21 or 23%) and Trentham Memorial (13 or 20%).
The fastest among us
The 17 fastest females in New Zealand by age category, in pace order, were:
- Hannah Oldroyd (SW30-34) running Puarenga in 17:55 setting herself a new PB.
- Charo Heijnen (JW15-17) running Tauranga in 19:15.
- Brea Roderick (SW18-19) running Hamilton Lake in 19:31 for the first time.
- Emily Register (SW20-24) running Hobsonville Point in 20:00.
- Bridget Kiddle (SW25-29) running Lower Hutt in 20:10 for the first time.
- Alex Rawlinson (JW11-14) running Tauranga in 20:11 setting herself a new PB.
- Emma Roche (VW35-39) running Hagley in 20:54.
- Suzanne Mackie (VW55-59) running Hagley in 21:54.
- Tanja Miller (VW40-44) running University of Waikato in 22:02.
- Karyn Bainbridge (VW45-49) running Hagley in 22:49.
- Bela Cameron (JW10) running Hagley in 23:13.
- Paula Levy (VW50-54) running Gisborne in 23:40.
- Meg Christie (VW60-64) running Hagley in 23:54.
- Judith Bradshaw (VW70-74) running Whangarei in 25:53.
- Julie Gordon (VW65-69) running Trentham Memorial in 26:51.
- Anna Reid (VW75-79) running Hagley in 33:35.
- Lizi Eade (VW80-84) running Kapiti Coast in 44:39.
The 19 fastest males in New Zealand by age category, in pace order, were:
- Fabian Downs (VM35-39) running Western Springs in 16:07 setting himself a new PB.
- Elliott Pugh (JM15-17) running Tauranga in 16:40 setting himself a new PB.
- George Wyllie (JM11-14) running Tauranga in 16:47 for the first time.
- Chris Sanson (SM30-34) running Palmerston North in 17:09.
- Troy Harold (VM50-54) running East End in 17:18 for the first time.
- Michael Pugh (VM45-49) running Tauranga in 17:25.
- James Conwell (VM40-44) running Palmerston North in 17:26 setting himself a new PB.
- Sam Turner (SM20-24) running Lower Hutt in 18:07 for the first time.
- Christiaan Cumming (SM18-19) running University of Waikato in 18:16.
- Simon Mclean (SM25-29) running Hobsonville Point in 18:22.
- Dave Scott (VM55-59) running Palmerston North in 19:38.
- Brent Cameron (JM10) running Hagley in 19:54.
- Gavin Stevens (VM65-69) running Cornwall in 20:24.
- Chris Keith (VM60-64) running Hamilton Lake in 20:33.
- Graeme Adams (VM70-74) running Tauranga in 22:49.
- Bruce Dyer (VM75-79) running Hagley in 25:04.
- Graham Wood (VM80-84) running Pegasus in 31:51.
- Ray Turner (VM85-89) running Cornwall in 40:17.
- Colin Thorne (VM95-99) running Whangarei in 55:39.
New age category records
There were 13 age category records broken this week:
- East End : (VM50-54) Troy Harold broke Grant Lincoln ‘s record by 39 seconds running 17:18.
- Gisborne : (JW10) Indie Nikora smashed Petra Fransen ‘s record by 135 seconds, setting herself a new PB, running 24:04.
- Puarenga : (SW30-34) Hannah Oldroyd took her own record by 10 seconds running 17:55.
- Sherwood Reserve : (JW10) Isla Mcqueen smashed Mia Clark ‘s record by 886 seconds running 33:50.
- Sherwood Reserve : (SW25-29) Laura Uren broke Laura Kelly ‘s record by 60 seconds running 23:48.
- Sherwood Reserve : (VM70-74) Alan Lichtwark took his own record by 6 seconds running 24:52.
- Sherwood Reserve : (VW70-74) Jan Harold smashed Donna Peterson ‘s record by 731 seconds running 34:16.
- Sherwood Reserve : (VW75-79) Marieke Van Zon smashed Yvonne Kerr ‘s record by 625 seconds running 44:51.
- Tauranga : (JM11-14) George Wyllie smashed Sam Proctor ‘s record by 63 seconds running 16:47.
- Trentham Memorial : (JM11-14) Hassan Mccall broke his own record by 25 seconds running 16:58.
- Trentham Memorial : (SW18-19) Eleanor Bassett broke her own record by 47 seconds running 22:45.
- University of Waikato : (VM75-79) Rod Gill smashed his own record by 66 seconds running 27:44.
- Western Springs : (VM35-39) Fabian Downs broke Greg Darbyshire ‘s record by 30 seconds, setting himself a new PB, running 16:07.
Garth Barfoot (VM85-89) set the age category record at Sherwood Reserve with a 1:00:18.
Kudos to the vollies
A shout out to our top 100 statespeople who chose to volunteer this weekend: Paul , Nneka and Andrew at Anderson , Martin and Suzy at Foster , Christine , Liz and Allan at Trentham Memorial , Andrew , Scott and Dan at Sherwood Reserve , Dean at University of Waikato , Elise and Peet at Millwater , Matthew at North Shore , Grant at Barry Curtis , Max , Annabel and Michael at Western Springs , Cameron at Puarenga , Helen at Whangarei , Judy at Whanganui Riverbank , and Randall at Porirua.
Top 100 countrymen is based on the most events table, which shows parkrunners who have run at 15 or most New Zealand events. There’s no other volunteer data currently available other than what is in these stats.
Thanks to Paul Ellis for extra stats. You can view the top 100 countrymen table here. Each week is on a different sheet.